Healthy Food on Hand

I found an online article that reiterates things we already know. However, when I need these things to come to mind- like when I need to plan a grocery list, or think of something healthy to eat- my memory fails me! Hence, the "one-stop-shopping" website of knowledge (this blog). It is more for me than anything. If it is helpful for you, too- then fabtastiful.

I will summarize the 15 Healthy Foods to Have in Your Kitchen at All Times article.

1. Yogurt: watch for sugar or it defeats the purpose! Stick with low-fat plain and add your own fresh fruit

2. Wild Salmon: packs a nutritional punch in a small amount of calories

3. Egg Whites: lots of protein, very few calories and no cholesterol (in the white- it is all in the yolk). Make an egg white omelette with fresh veggies & salsa to add flavor without adding (many) cals.

4. Leafy Greens: Broccoli, cabbage, kale & spinach. Dark leafies are loaded with vits A, C, & K, folate iron and calcium. Research suggests they may prevent certain types of cancers and promote heart health.

5. Blueberries: antioxidants (what are those, anyway? They are a subject for another post. That's what.)

6. Almonds: helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart attack. Some studies show they may help in weight loss. 

7. Black Beans: high in fiber and offer other optimum nutrition components such as calcium, iron and folic acid.

8. Apples: Yes, the old expression does have truth. Apples have fiber, reduce the risk of heart disease and contain the mineral boron, which is great for bones.

9. Tomatoes: contain the antioxidant (that word again!) lycopene. Studies show they can lower cholesterol & reduce blood pressure.

10. Orange Juice: potassium & vit C. Some brands are fortified with omega-3s. Remember: get fresh squeezed and low in sugar.

11. Sweet Potatoes: beta carotene = healthier skin, helps prevent sun damage, boosts immune system which prevents sickness from colds and other infections (that spread like wild fire).

12. Wheat Germ: magnesuim; good for bones, maintaining healthy insulin levels & reducing stress (who doesn't need that?!). It also has iron, fiber, calcium, potassium & zinc.

13. Pomegranate: antioxidants (see?!) like tannins & anthocyanins. Reduces bad cholesterol. May help reduce risk of certain cancers.

14. Hot Peppers: vit C & may help reduce pain levels (after the initial burn..haha!) May help you lose weight: spicy foods have been found to increase the metabolic rate for short periods of time.

15. Oatmeal: Homemade from whole oats, not the pre-pack of sugar you can buy! It has fiber, helps reduce LDL (bad cholesterol), and provide nutrients vit E, iron & magnesium. Add a scoop of protein powder for extra "punch". 

Now, you are ready to go grocery shop.
